Friday, October 29, 2010

This is the most up tp date information on the PERS deductions issue. I have been told the CIM has not received and direction from DPA or CDCR at this point. When we have more information it will be passed on to every one.


> When the Furloughs were implemented in March 2009, the local
> Personnel Offices should have made adjustments in the payroll system
> to the PERS deductions on overtime earned. Unfortunately, some
> institutions failed to make the proper changes and have erroneously
> taken more PERS deductions from overtime earnings than is allowed.
> This error came to the attention of Doug Mitten, Field
> Representative, in the Sacramento Office. After working on the
> issue and with the assistance of PERS and the Controller's Office,
> management (DPA Retirement Policy & Legislation Department) has
> acknowledged that errors were made (see attached email). We are
> continuing to follow-up with confirmation of these facts and will
> keep you informed of our progress.
> CCPOA has been assured by DPA that the system error has been
> corrected as of October 2010. However, we have heard from
> institutions that some Personnel Offices have not made any changes
> and will not do so until they get written direction from DPA. We
> are following up on this issue.
> DPA has also committed to conducting an audit of all employee
> overtime pay warrants for any errors. If errors are found,
> appropriate refunds (or Accounts Receivables) will be issued. Once
> again, we do not have confirmation as to how or when these audits
> will be conducted. We will keep you informed of the status as soon
> as we receive confirmation.
> We suggest that the Chapter Presidents check with the Personnel
> Office and inquire as to whether or not the audit of overtime is
> taking place and to request that you be kept informed as to the
> progress

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