Sunday, August 16, 2009

My View, sending to Lassen County Times


As a California tax payer and a concern citizen.  It really makes me wonder, what is our Governments PRIORITY today.

We are in a financial crisis.  But at the same time, the state worker has lost well over 15 % in wage’s(which I wouldn’t mind if IT WAS GOING TO OUR SCHOOLS, VETERANS OR SENIOR CITIZENS), we are cutting veterans programs, senior citizens programs, our children’s programs and many more.  While these cuts are taking place.  At the same time the convicted felons programs in California have doubled.  So I ask, where is our priority? 

While all mentioned above are losing money in their general funds, health care programs ect, our children (MY CHILD) is losing programs i.e.: sports, music, bus rides, lunch programs, ect.  The inmate’s of California have improved their medical program, recreational programs and educational programs. So pretty much, my taxes are not going towards my children’s education, they are going towards a convicted felon working on his or her high-school diploma or College AA or even BA. Playing basketball, softball, ect. What is wrong with our society?  Why are the taxpayers not outrage?  Is it okay to rob our future for the convicted felon?  Is it right for our vet’s that have fought for our country and still fighting, getting their benefits robbed so an inmate can have recreational or religious programs?  We have veterans that cannot even come close to the medical care that an inmate receives now.

Our grandparents can not get decent medical, but a convicted felon gets top of the line medical attention immediately.

The last time you went to the emergency room how long did you have to wait?  Three hours?  Four hours?  Or longer?  If a convicted felon is rushed to the emergency room, he or she is seen immediately. But still the taxpayers allow this to happen.

We as the taxpayers have allowed these bleeding heart lawyers from the “Prison Law Office” to run the State of California billions of dollars into debt because an inmate had to wait for medical attention on a non-life threatening issue and other ridiculous lawsuits. So now we as taxpayers are paying.  But it’s not about that.  It’s about the state ROBBING our veterans, children and elderly for what? 

The average California inmate costs the minimal of $12,500(low figure).  California will spend $1,400 per veteran.  Over the last two years California has cut $11 billion from our schools.  The California inmates have had no cuts.    When will we as Californians say enough and tell these lawyers and judges and the Governor, “NO MORE”.


Lori Olah,  Susanville, CA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome job lori. i hope you sent one to the fucking b too. keep up the good work. i will write a letter to the editor also. we all need to start making the public aware of what is going on in our prisons.