Monday, July 12, 2010

Urgent Issue at CSATF

Click on the title for full article. It just amazes me how these people think. Nevermind about the conditions of California, nevermind about the many staff that do get held over from their families so they can visit in prison and pass contraband. Nevermind about how short staff we are, they just want their visits.

July 11, 2010
Ladies & Gentlemen:
We are receiving alarming report from SATF.
The inmates were informed just before the evening meal on Friday that visits for the weekend were being cancelled AGAIN – with no reason given and they were being put on lockdown so they would not be able to call their loved ones either.
The inmates began a fast to protest the current treatment they are receiving. Then, they decided on a work stoppage, as they felt the fast would be hidden from Sacramento.
Yesterday, we received these reports:
Just got notice that inmates on A yard, and possibly all yards, are on a hunger strike at SATF. (Corcoran II) I’m trying to get more info and we need to have it verified by at least one more family member, but I wanted to give you all a head’s up.
The strike began on A yard on Friday with dinner. Only those who needed to eat for medical reasons went to chow. The rest of the yard didn’t go. As far as I know this has only begun on A Yard so far. My husband expects the phones to be off. I contacted the people he asked me to–a few in the media and CDCR. He will call if he can but I’ll be surprised if the phones are on. He wanted me to emphasize that this is a non-violent action to protest conditions on the yard. The inmates have made repeated attempts to get the attention of CDCR in Sacramento to discuss problems on the yard with no results.
My man is on F yard. I talked to him tonight. He didn’t mention a hunger strike but he did say that ONCE AGAIN they were on lockdown today for no reason at all. I do know that they were on lockdown all day this past Friday because there was a funeral for one of the CO’s.

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