Thursday, July 1, 2010

To: CCPOA Board of Directors June 28, 2010
All CCPOA Supervisory Members

From: CCPOA Supervisory Vice President,
Kevin Raymond

Subject: Update on Issues Concerning Supervisor Members

Dear Supervisory Member,

12-Hour Shifts:

The 12-hour shift issue is alive and well, although we have received no further information from the state as of this date. The bottom line is this has been sold and promised to the Governor’s office as real salary savings. I realize this is a hot button issue and will send out any information we receive as we receive it.

Minimum Wage:

As you all know the Governor has come forth with a statement regarding minimum wage once again. Just for clarification before I begin there is a fine line between fact and opinion.

The fact is he has promised to impose the minimum wage standard if there is no budget in place. The Los Angeles Times has reported that the State Controller will defy any such order. The State Controller has stated he is in the same position he has always been in – with no ability to actually make it happen. One reason is that federal law dictates that those individuals that work overtime in the pay period must be paid their full salaries. Not doing so would open the state up to triple damages. Actually there is a well thought out letter to the editor in today’s Sacramento Bee from the controller regarding this issue. The link can be obtained at

On the opinion side most believe this is a tactic to drive the membership of the various unions to insist that their representatives go to the bargaining table and accept what they can get to mitigate the imposition of the minimum wage standard. In addition there would be added pressure on the legislature to accept the Governors proposed budget.

The employee concerns are obvious, the mortgage companies, banks, grocery stores and gas stations just to name a few don’t accept IOU’s. Considering some of our members drive one, two hours or more to work, with gas prices between $3.00 and $3.50 a gallon, minimum wage won’t cover even the price of gas. Management should be rightfully concerned about what will happen within the institutions if employees are unable to afford to even come to work. The federal court should be concerned about the potential lack of on duty staff to ensure the “constitutional level” of health care is delivered.

Either way, whether a real threat or just a tactic, minimum wage is one dangerous game of chicken for everyone involved. Of course the Governor has reserved the right to extend the furloughs also.

Officer McGowan:

A brief synopsis on the Officer McGowan case out of CIM is available on for those of you that have not yet heard of it. If you are unaware of the circumstances I encourage you to read it. This case is indicative of the need for unity among all Correctional Peace Officers, rank & file as well as supervisors. CCPOA will continue to fight on behalf of Officer McGowan.

Many of our members (and non members) continue to believe “it will never happen to me.” I sincerely hope they are right. But I am willing to bet Officer McGowan didn’t believe it would happen to him either. After all how could you go to work everyday with the fear in the back of your mind that one day carrying out your duties may lead to federal prison time? Unfortunately other individuals have gone through this before and there probably will be more to come.

I would like to thank the CCPOA family that have supported, and continue to support Officer McGowan and his family during these difficult times, especially the members of the CIM Chapter. There but by the grace of God go I.

CCPOA Board Meeting:

On June 26, 2010 the CCPOA Board of Directors held a meeting in Sacramento to discuss MOU negotiations. Every board member was given the opportunity to express the over all feelings of his/her members regarding possible MOU negotiations. The prevailing attitude appeared to be – explore the possibility of a deal. Followed closely by the Governor is gone in a matter of a few months – so no deal, hold the line.

Both sides of the argument have merit. My favorite analogy came from a long time CCPOA activist from Wasco State Prison who likened the process to rat poison. As he so eloquently stated rat poison has just enough good stuff in it to get the rat to eat it voluntarily – then the bad stuff in it kills him.

Other Bargaining Units:

As of today six of the bargaining units have reached tentative agreements giving concessions to the Governor. It remains to be seen if these agreements will actually make it through the legislature for ratification.

In the Line of Duty:

The California Highway Patrol has had five Officers killed in the line of duty in the last two months. Please keep their families in your hearts.

As more information becomes available on these and other issues I will continue to update you.

Kevin Raymond

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