Today, we finally got hit. Coming into work at 0600 hours we were searched. They stopped the search around 0730 ish. Which really doesn't make any sense since most non-custody staff come in during that time. So this search mostly was aimed towards custody it seems. We didn't look bad, but we didn't look good either. They found some tobacco, phones, reading material, CD's, a few jump-drives, etc. I was able to talk to the Administration and got the feeling that there may be some ECR's & LOI's. Not sure yet until the dust settles. So we will have to wait and see.
I have been preaching this for months; to check yourselves before you come to work. They are searching ALL institutions. And they will be back. It is not worth money out of your check. All I can say is leave it at home and take a couple of seconds to check yourselves. And do yourself and your partner a favor, if you see something that a staff member did in fact bring in that they probably shouldn't have, tell them. Look out for each other. Bottom line. If I brought a pocket knife in, lost it and an inmate got ahold of it, then stabbed a staff member and they died. I would feel like shit. That is a heavy load to handle.
I know there are some who will look at this as all b.s., but whatever any of us feel, they make the rules and we gotta abide by them. I don't have to agree with it, nor any of you, but we have to remember where we are at and who is around us. Like I said, I don't ever want the responsibility of staff getting hurt because of my own nonsense. Take it for what it's worth.
1 comment:
I feel compelled to post this for you. During the search's at CCC, your present CCPOA president was professional during this process. The last person that was in that position was not professional what so ever. Not only was there unprofessional language, there was unprofessional demeanor. In other words, he looked like a fool. For most of the staff, they were very cooperative. The search's at CCC went very well. Most staff abided by the search's. The staff searching were up most professional in the searching. Most items confiscated were nickel & dime items. There were a couple of bigger items taken. But for the most part staff were clean.
Staff should not take this as a punishment era. Staff should be taking this as a lesson that we work in prisons and most of these items can be dangerous if put in the wrong hands. Hopefully this is a learning tool for all to take in. Sometimes we get complacent and forget where we are.
All facilities state in the entrance's that all staff & visitor's are subject to searching.
Last, CCC did a fine job. Keep up the good work.
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