Sunday, October 18, 2009

SFbg/Another POS paper


Anything that will really piss me off, reading in a paper on how the poor inmates have to live in hell in prison. How staff abuse them, they have no medical, they have no decent living conditions, etc.

Well thats what the San Fransisco paper has done. Somehow, they "supposedly" have a connection with an inmate in the system. If you log on that site, scroll down and the POS inmate has several blogs. Of course we all know how inmates are, they flat out lie. They complain about EVERYTHING. They exaggerate their conditions. Comments on some of the blogs consist of how dirty staff are (bringing in cell phones) to straight abusing their authority. So we get some bleeding heart liberal reading this crap and buy it.

The bottom line......Inmates have more rights then any other sector in California. We always hear about the poor freaking babies. The public never hear about the real victims, the children the are loosing their programs. The vets that have fought for their country having no programs. The elderly that continually are loosing their programs. The public doesn't hear about the staff that have been assaulted and how it may screw them up mentally. Nor do they hear about how staff are losing their lively hood because of all the cutbacks. The freaking liberals could care less. But oh hell they will jump for a POS inmate that cries wolf, accusing staff of misconduct, how crappy the food is, how crappy their meals are. I believe a read a blog on how the inmates have justified having cell phones, stating it gives them better opportunity to keep in contact with their loved ones on the street (this also would include the gangs making the drug drops/staff threats).

So I suppose there is a worse newspaper then the Bee. Its the San Fransisco!!!! All I have to say about this whole freaking mess is, we have lost our priorities as citizens. I don't know how it started, but it is in a full blown steam forward. And as long as these fucked up papers buy into the lies of convicted rapist and killers, we are in real danger.

I am requesting that everyone write to Mr. Tim Redmond (he is the mastermind behind this madness) and give him your professional thoughts.

Also I found these links within these blogs; &, both are links on inmate families throwing lies out to the public. You will find pics from inside the prison on these sites also. I guess those nice cell phones that mama is bringing in to their sons are paying off for them................

Lori Olah
CCC Chapter President

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