Tuesday, April 14, 2009


As you all know by now OP 726 has been up for revision.  We have yet sat down and negotiated this.  We were told Monday that we would have a date, but we do not have one yet.  With no contract, we will have our work cut out for us.  The verbiage "Watch Commanders discretion" is all over it.  Also, hiring RA's before PIE's are written in it among many other things.  We will not lay down on this.  I plan on fighting the person that wrote it down to the wire.  My feelings, it was written for a few individuals, not the majority of the staff.  This is ethically wrong.  We (our local chapter and the administration) should be looking out for the good of ALL employee's.  Not just a few.

We still haven't heard anything from HQ's on our RA grievance.  I have been calling our field rep daily on this.

I should have the minutes posted by the end of the week.


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