Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Update for March 24, 2009

MARCH 25, 2009
 First I want to send my prayer's out to the families of the 4 fallen officers from Oakland.  I can't imagine the pain they must be going through.  It is indeed a very tragic incident.   And since this has happen to our law enforcement, it makes me wonder, what the hell is "Arnie" thinking that we need to get rid of paroles.....But this is the same man, that thinks Correctional Officers are manipulating the system for over-time, and think of us as dirty cops bringing in all the cell phones, cigarettes and drugs (this is in a 2006 interview). And has cut our pay by %10 and will probably attempt to do more down the road.

I'm sure everyone has seen the one paragraph memo on our new work furlough program.  Yes, it has changed again people.  What a suprise!!! So for now, you can use your furlough days as you wish, until the next memo comes out.  This means, you can fill out those furlough forms again.  Remember, if you put work furlough on a HCT or Vac spot, that is fraud.

On a local note.  I am disappointed at some of the management.  A captian to be exact.  I believe that he is attempting to blind side us on the OP726. It seems that there was an  order to all involved parties not to talk to the union about any changes.  So today, I stormed in his office and had a bitch fit in his office.  I told him that what he is pulling is F-ing wrong and I know what he is trying to do.  I told him if that's how he wants to handle things and throw talking to the union out the door, then I can oblige him on that request.  His remark to me was,"well Lori, I never received a request from you".  I then told him, I was communicating with HIS WATCH COMMANDERS until they stopped talking to me.  I was following his stupid ass "Chain of Command"   and apparently he doesn't care about any input for us.   Yes, I put him in his place where he belongs.  I am tired of his stupid antics on how he runs the institution.  And the messed up part is.....I don't even know if R. Barnes is even aware of what he and So my next step is to go straight to the top.  I  will not deal with that kind of mentality anymore if that is how they want to conduct business.  I guess they are not used to talking with the opposite side and would rather go about it with memo's and formalities.  Nice communication guys.

I think we finally have the fire lit under the AW on our personnel dept.  (THAT WAS LAST WEEKS BF)  Yea, they were  pissed off at me, but guess what?  Personnel people got checked on their job duties up there.  IT'S ABOUT TIME that something has been done to those that hold our time, checks and all in their hands.  Just do your J.O.B. ladies, that's all we ask.

Thanks to those that turned in their check stubs for the lawsuit with the state.  Now you guys need to keep and get me a copy of your o.t. checks so we can file that one next.  CCPOA is working hard getting these cases to the courts.  Infact, they just put in for our pay reduction in the courts.  So to those that say HQ's is not doing enough, trust me, they are.  I am calling them atleast twice a week getting updates.  They are working hard on these cases.  We all just need to hang in there and stick together.  Here is my verbage on our situation.  Lets take this route for a minute.  Okay, we are all pissed and bump out of CCPOA. So now all the lawyers that are in court as we speak, all the cases that are pending...........are gone.  Now we have no Union since we aren't paying our dues now.  So here comes "Arnie" telling us, we will make $8.00 per hour now.  And ofcourse we say, no way, we will strike.  Now, "Arnie" has us where he wants us, because there are 800,00 people out there with no jobs or have lost jobs ready to make that pay rate and we are the ones stuck on the street holding a strike sign with no job and no union.  Just think about it.

The point I'm trying to get across is, you might be upset at what is going on, but we can't give up either.  We have to stick this out together, not divided.  That's exactly what our Governor wants and that's what management likes.  This is just my personal opinion.  Take it or leave it.

One more thing I want to get out there.  We are fighting the RA's hard.  I sent the grievance two weeks ago to HQ's.  I by-passed the local level and went straight to the third level.  Like I said before, I will fight this one until I run myself out of tools to fight them with on this issue.  I believe that line staff should come first before someone who is already receiving a paycheck without a pay  cut from the state.

That's all I have for now.  Please remember, pass this site on to our fellow brother's and sisters, but try not to leave it out for management to get ahold of.  This site is for us, not them.  And if you have any issues, feel free to leave a post.

Stay safe and sane out there.
CCC Chapter President

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