Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oklahoma inmate posts weed pics to FacebookPictures on the inmates Facebook page show him smoking pot, and holding a bottle of booze and a bag of weed

By CorrectionsOne Staff

TULSA, Okla. — Facebook has become pretty pervasive, but now things are getting ridiculous. An Oklahoma inmate recently posted pictures of himself smoking marijuana. In his cell. Out of a bong. Really.

The pictures show Justin L. Walker, 32 smoking weed in his cell at Granite Reformatory, a medium security facility in southwest Oklahoma.

According to FOX 23 News, Walker—a.k.a. “Jus N Walk”—is a member of the Aryan Brotherhood Gang presently serving a 30-year sentence for murdering an Oklahoma Sheriff in 2001.

Pictures on Walker’s Facebook page also show him holding a bottle of booze and a bag of weed. Another shows him licking a shiv.

Oklahoma Department of Corrections spokesman Jerry Massie said Walker had been moved to the Oklahoma State Penitentiary and placed in Administrative Segregation, according to an update on FOX23’s website. The update also said that a cell phone and some marijuana were confiscated from Walker’s cell.

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