Sunday, June 6, 2010


MSF Cedar Hall riot
At approximately 0800 Cedar hall (open dorm-reception inmates) inmates were doing the morning clean up. When staff observed several inmates grouping right in front of the staff office. As the officer order all inmates to their bunk areas for the clean up. They noticed several Hispanic inmates coming from the opposite wing armed with brooms and mop handles. The Hispanic and Black inmates began fighting right in front of the Office hallway. Staff were confined to the office. A code 1 was called and it was quickly, upgraded to a Code 3 response.

Responding staff from all yards were able to control the incident. Subsequently, a code 4 was called. The inmates were separated into detention areas. When all said staff reported that approximately 20-30 inmates were involved in the fighting. At least 4 inmates were sent out for medical care. No staff injuries were reported at the time of the writing.

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