Tuesday, April 13, 2010

CCC O.P. #726 appears to be headed to PERB

Operational Procedure #726 is headed to the Public Employees Relations Board. A number of violations concerning Implemented Terms sections were identified. Management has been seeking the local chapters input for some time as O.P. #726 is over a year and a half out of date. In all of these meetings the chapter representatives pointed out violations of implemented terms, that were new additions to the O.P.. On friday 4/9/10 we were notified that Administration felt it was time for the final meet to wrap up O.P. #726 on 4/14/10. On 4/12/10 we were E-mailed the latest draft of the proposed language. At that time there were violations of implemented terms still present. A copy was E-mailed to our field representative M. Vaughan who was to be part of this meeting. Again there were still the same violations included and not one of our proposals were implimented. One major proposal that Lori was trying to push for, to have the post & bid SR & CR officers recieve their jobs by senority. It is unfortunate that CCC administration did not want to sit and talk with us. Instead they went forward on their own adgenda without any inpute. So now it will head back down to Sacramento AGAIN for another year.


LORI said...

So in other words. No, we didn't sell the farm out like some assume that we would do.

Anonymous said...

thank you lori