Monday, April 4, 2011
Published: Monday, Apr. 4, 2011 - 12:00 am | Page 3A
Hold the champagne: New contracts may be too costly
State workers looking for good news on contracts recently negotiated by Gov. Jerry Brown's administration won't find it in an internal state memo issued by the Legislative Analyst's Office last week.
Because those contracts don't come close to saving the state enough money, the memo says, the deals heighten pressure on the state to cut costs through "hiring freezes, furlough programs, and layoffs."
The memo, sent last Wednesday to Senate Republicans, estimates that the contracts would cut costs by only about one-third of the $308 million that Brown projected in his proposed budget.
The LAO, which recently suggested that lawmakers impose pay cuts to save money, based its estimate on a review of the ratified or tentative memoranda of understanding reached with 19 of the state's 21 bargaining units.
The LAO had yet to receive the details of deals reached with two bargaining units – the California Correctional Peace Officers Association and the International Union of Operating Engineers.
– Jon Ortiz
Read more:
Friday, March 25, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The negotiation team headed by Executive Vice President, Chuck Alexander provided details and highlights. We asked questions, and received answers. The team for the most part was candid with their responses.
My only real issue is I don't think the TA is a complete and fluid document. Many of the sections are still being negotiated. It's like signing a blank check.
I would like to thank Oak Smith for taking copious notes. We gathered all relevant information for your review as a means to inform our members. That information is contained in the following pages. The information is void of any prejudice or bias. We want you to make a decision independently.
My only request is you take the opportunity to enlighten yourselves, and sieze the opportunity express your desires about the path you want CCPOA to take. I cannot stress it enough, you must Vote!
Make sure your address is current at CCPOA Headquarters, so you receive your ballot.
Let’s Lead the way and show everyone is united in the idea that as dues paying members we make our voices heard.
-Marques Jones, President KVSP Chapter
2.11 State President and Vice President’s;
The State previously paid for the Statewide President and Vice President to be off (at CCPOA HQ and not their assigned institution) (see 10.01)
8.05 7K;
168 work month still in effect, any leave used (Sick, vacation, holiday, PDD, PLP, Furlough, ITO, jury duty, military leave, subpoenaed witness, etc.) does not count as hours worked for the purpose of OT.
8.07 PDD (Personal Development Days);
PDD must be used before any other leave credit even furlough, does not count as hours worked and will not count for the purpose of OT. We will receive no PDD’s in 2011, we will receive 4 in 2012 and 2 in 2013. Must be used in the calendar year, cannot be carried forward, donated or cashed out.
*** For example if you plan or retiring 12/28/2011 and you have 40 hours of (PDD, PLP-2011, Furloughs) you must adjust your date back 40 hours to account for any PDD, PLP-2011, Furlough or the State will carry you on the books until your PDD, PLP-2011, Furloughs are exhausted. This will adversely effect your COLA steps.
10.X - PLP-2011;
This does represent a 4.62% pay cut. The request for use of PLP will be in accordance with the Vacation/Annual Leave policy. Cannot be donated cashed out and does not count as hours worked for the purpose of OT.
Employees on NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, and Workers Compensation do not accrue PLP-2011
10.01 Vacation Leave;
Every July pay period during the life of this MOU every member will accrue 1 less hour of vacation than scheduled. This hour will go into Release Time Bank (RTB, see 2.11)
There are no caps for accrued leave balances during the life on this MOU.
There is no forced Annual Leave
10.02 Sick Leave;
A Doctors note may be requested at any time, if requested in advance.
10.05 Retirement Plan;
No changes to current BU6 employees (3.0 @ 50); new BU6 employees hired after 1/15/2011 will be at (2.5 @ 55).
Every BU6 employee will pay an additional 3% toward their retirement, raising it from 8% to 11%
SEIU pays 8 or 9%
CASE pays 9 or 10%
CDF pays 10%
CHP pays 10%
CSLEA pays 8 or 9%
Effective July 1, 2011 if you work a holiday on your scheduled work day you will be paid 16 hours straight pay, 8 hours on your regular check and 8 hours on your “OT” check. No employee will accrue holiday credit. If you work a holiday on OT you will get the regular time and one half. If you work a holiday on your RDO or a swap you will get paid 8 hours straight time.
It’s not in the T/A for the Holiday Officer positions to go away, only that the accrual of Holiday time will end. If ratified, we will have to wait and see how the Department implements this section.
12.07 Post and Bid
The 70/30 split will now include ISU and transportation, Management may exempt (1) Transportation spot and (2) ISU spots at the C/O level and (3) IST/Armory posts at the C/O level (these spots will count towards Managements 30%).
New section (K), unless waived by the local CCPOA chapter President all institutions shall conduct a bid to comply with this section.
Upon ratification and approval by the Legislature the State will contribute-
Single Party $321 to $377 benefit to employee $56 per month
2 Party $625 to $ 746 benefit to employee $121 per month
Family $807 to $968 benefit to employee $161 per month
Effective Jan 1, 2012 the State will pay the dollar amount to cover the employee to 80% of their covered health plan.
Upon ratification and approval by the Legislature the State will contribute $69.06 per month for employee dental coverage and $8.64 for vision. A raise of about $25 per month.
Pay raise; effective July 1, 2013 4% to top step. This raise will go into effect the day before the MOU expires; there is no continuing resolution to extend the raise beyond the life of the MOU at this time. Its unclear as to if this raise is for 1 day or will continue.
15.18 POFF-II;
April 1, 2011 POFF-II was eliminated. There is no stipulation to bring POFF-II back. This 2% benefit cut is tied to our salary increase.
Is back for MOU language only, this is a huge gain as far as protecting our rights. It is quite a lot of information to try and put here, if you have further questions about this section please ask your Chapter Delegates.
FIELD TRAINING OFFICERS; the parties shall Meet and Confer within 90 days to develop and implement the FTO program. The Academy will be reduced from 16 weeks to 12 weeks and the remaining 4 weeks the cadet will operate under an FTO at his or her respective facility.
Again, you will get an entire copy of the TA prior to your vote. As always, I encourage you to exercise your right to vote whether yes or no.
more info on contract
CCPOA and the Contract.
I need to tell you it was difficult going as we reviewed the tentative agreement. The most widely stated quote that was used today was that “it has something for everyone to hate”. Truth is it was not something that I wanted to vote “yes” on to send out to the membership for ratification but in the end I voted “yes”. I can tell you this; it gets over $600 dollars back in our member’s checks and the consequences of not ratifying it, far out way the take away’s that we will be agreeing to.
I have put together my notes from the meeting today but it dose not represent the entire agreement. You will all receive a copy to review along with your voting documents.
2.10 Representation on Committees
This allows us back in the use of force committee.
6.02 Definitions
Defies the types of grievances that can be filed and gets us back the “Health and Safety” grievance.
6.11 Arbitration
Gets us back arbitration.
6.13 Mini-Arb
Back in contract.
7.04 Referral for Staff Assaults
Will require management to give us a copy of the agreement with the San Bernardino DA.
8.03 Apprentices
Will look at getting a legitimate apprentices committee/program.
8.07 New Personal Development Days (PDDs)
2 days per year but your 2011 days will start in 2012 and you will start with 4 days in 2012. You will use PDDs before any other leave credits (vacation, sick, holiday, furlough.)
9.09 (B)
If management contacts (DIFIT) and or (OIA) for a deadly use of force incident, they will also be required to contact CCPOA representative.
10.X Personal Leave Program 2011
Reduces pay by 4.62% but ads one day on the books for 12 months. People retiring must use these days prior to retirement.
10.01 Vacation
One hour every year in July will go to union RTB. No more maximum number of hours on the books.
10.02 Sick Leave
Some of the language has been removed and is less defined on management’s burden when requesting medical verification.
10.05 Retirement
Any one working as BU6 prior to January 15, 2011 will maintain 3.0 @ 50 and any one after that date will be 2.5 @ 55. Retirement contribution goes up 3% for a total of 11% after the first $863.
10.11 Holidays
No more holiday time on the books. If you work it you will get double time that is paid on the 15th and if it’s your RDO you will get nothing. If you have Holidays off you will not lose any pay. HR officers will go away but management is required to have a system for scheduling holiday time off.
10.18 Annual Leave
This is not mandatory. Caps on accumulated time are lifted to no cap.
11.08 Overtime
Will remain 164 hours in 28-day period.
12.05 Voluntary Overtime
We will be back to “soft cap” and have a secondary list for officers with over 80 hours that will be hired prior to order-over.
12.07 Post and Bid
The 70/30 split will now include ISU and transportation in the over-all number. Also includes new paragraph (K), this will reopen the post and bid to incorporate the changes.
13.01 Health Benefit Plan
Increases States contributions to:
Employee $321 to $377
Employee plus one $625 to $746
Family, 3 or more $807 to $968
Also increases the State contribution to 80% in 2012 and 2013
14.01 Travel Expenses
Increases mileage rate to Federal Standers.
14.04 Uniform
Maintains no uniform inspection.
15.01 Salaries
4% salary increases for tope step employees on July 1st 2013.
15.18 POFF II
Eliminated April 1, 2011. You may withdraw to the extent permitted by law.
16.06 Institutional Redirection Plan
The 3%/5% redirection will continue for the remainder of this contract.
20.01 Correctional Counselors
Defines core hours and requirement to cover by inverse seniority.
27.01 Entire Agreement
Too much to list and explain but it’s beneficial to the membership. Will once again require management to properly notice CCPOA and meet and confer prior to making changes to impact issues and these issues will be considered even if diminimus.
Be Safe
Monday, March 21, 2011
T/A mou comments
Here from PacoVilla:
Voting just before 5:00 p.m. today the Board of Directors of CCPOA voted to recommend a “Yes” vote on the Tentative Agreement to the general membership. The vote was 47-4 with six abstentions. Interestingly enough, the whole Executive Council except Mike Jimenez abstained. I am sure there is a subtext of interest there, I am just not sure what it is.
Everybody who voice an opinion said the agreement was crappy, but no one said that they thought they could do better.
I am not going to try to touch bases on everything, it would be pretty much impossible without printing out a copy of the TA itself. I will, however, hit a few highlights.
A major broadening of parameters for when the Department, and can not, demand sick leave verification is part of the TA.
Unit 6 will be paying an additional 3% into their retirement. (As is everybody else I think.)
Holidays will now pay double-time, as opposed to the old 1.5 time plus 8 hours of holiday time. There will now be no mechanism to earn holiday time. Holiday relief officers will go away, though the state still has an obligation to allow people to burn existing holiday time.
The 12-hour shift proposal is dead, at least for the term of this contract.
Two holidays are gone.
Unit 6 will get two “personal development” days. These are a use-it-or-lose-it proposition and carry no direct cash value.
On July 1 every Unit 6 employee loses 1 hr of Vacation time, which goes into RTB.
The annual leave program will NOT be made mandatory.
Fine details of language are still being smoothed out and typos discovered and corrected. You will get a hard copy of the proposal before you are asked to vote on it. This is a big deal people. Those of you who still have skin in the game should read it carefully.
I honestly think that this is likely the best deal that can be had for Unit 6 at this time under these circumstances. You are all adults, think it over and make your choice.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Take a peek
Ian Pickett
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I joined the Marine Corps in 1979. Served a total of thirteen years, three months,three days, and four hours on active duty. Spent three years as a Drill Instructor at Parris Island, in South Carolina. Acted as an instructor at the Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) Leadership Academy. Sorry Army, Navy, and Air Force don’t hold it against me. I joined the Department of Corrections in 1994. Became a union activist officially in 1998 when I attended job steward training. Was elected as Chapter President in 2002 at Chuckawalla Valley State Prison. Re-elected in 2005. Transferred to Kern Valley State Prison in June 0f 2005 as Chief job Steward to activate the prison. Elected as Chapter President in 2006, and re-elected in 2009.
I believe in paying your dues to establish a solid foundation. I was a job steward on every watch, negotiated, served on the Political Action Committee(PAC), represented members, filed grievances, led job actions, and activated a level four prison. Anyone who desires to be a good union activist will soon understand you sacrifice, and devote yourself twenty-four hours a day. The work consumes you.
My problem with the current Executive Council is their absolute lack of leadership and I feel they have lost touch with the members. There is a disconnect and we have become dysfunctional. We have become the enemy we used to fight, and the Executive Council has forgotten the unions primary mission, advancing the Correctional Officer Series. Rehabilitation is the departments responsibility, we can work with them to affect change, but the burden lies with them.
The biggest challenge facing the organization is restoring the faith of members in CCPOA. Everything is possible once members believe they come first and foremost. Leadership must diligently work to bring members back into the fold. I am a proven leader, motivated, and principled. I believe, Excuse me I know, I can affect the change necessary if elected.
I look forward to speaking with as many of you that want to talk and I encourage all of you to take a proactive role in setting CCPOA straight by not only ensuring your local boards cast their vote for me but becoming an activist for yourself and your life.
Marques Jones
Monday, January 31, 2011
Calif. informer strips away gang secrecyProsecutors say they hope Mendoza will shed light on the gang lifestyle, including the pressure on young members |
By Tracey Kaplan SAN JOSE, Calif. — John Mendoza was once a Norteño king, a shot caller in the notorious street gang who commanded such grim respect from San Francisco to San Jose that he could order someone killed with a single phone call. But today, Mendoza is known as a "rat" — the lowest form of scum in the gang world, who will never be safe on the streets again. To Santa Clara County prosecutors, Mendoza is an informer, a tour guide to the violent, inner world of teardrop tattoos, homeboys and "missions" overseen from afar by "generals" in Pelican Bay, the state's super-maximum-security prison. In a major gang trial in San Jose, Mendoza's testimony about the strange path — involving his dying wife — he took to becoming a snitch reveals much about the internecine world of Norteño and Sureño street and prison gangs. The stocky 40-year-old with black tattoos framing his bald skull sits in striking contrast to the usual professor or police officer experts who testify about gang culture. "I didn't have no intention of doing it (informing)," Mendoza told a spellbound jury. "What pushed me is I knew the NF (Nuestra Familia) had closed the door on me." In an attempt to play down Mendoza's testimony, defense attorneys pointed out that he never met the four men on trial on charges of murder, conspiracy or both, and knows little about their specific East Side street gang — El Hoyo Palmas. But Palmas are Norteños who are loosely overseen by Mendoza's prison gang, Nuestra Familia, with turf from Oregon to Bakersfield. Prosecutors say they hope Mendoza will shed light on the gang lifestyle, including the pressure on young members — like the ones on trial — to prove themselves by committing shocking acts of violence. "Being a little more sinister — it's something that's looked up to," Mendoza said. He said gangsters would brag: ‰'Did you see how I cracked his head or how I stuck him?' They want it to be more messy or worse than the next guy." Mendoza's explanations could help jurors understand why authorities allege that a hit squad of three — under the supervision of an older gang member — went on a four-month spree involving 11 shootings that left eight people wounded and four dead. It ended in early 2007 after a horrified San Jose police officer witnessed one of the killings. Prosecutors say the hit squad was directed by Gene "Shorte" Sanchez and included Samuel "Rico" Castro, Michael "Negro" Espana and Orlando "Gangster" Rojas, who was 17 at the time but is being prosecuted as an adult. In a gang at age 12 Not a single juror nodded off as he broke down the quasi-military structure of Nuestra Familia, including the three generals in Pelican Bay, a general council, a group of advisers and a pool of gang members divided into three ranks. And jurors didn't seem to buy defense attorneys' arguments that Mendoza had a strong motive to lie on the stand — that he was only testifying in hopes of lenience from his sentencing judge. Attorney Chuck Smith was critical of Mendoza's credibility as an expert. In a previous trial, Smith said, Mendoza testified that the phrase "Debbie and her dogs" was code for contraband when it turned out it was really about someone named Debbie and her dogs. Bad news list When he entered the Santa Clara County jail system — facing a possible 155 years to life with gang enhancements — he had achieved the rank of "overall authority" over all the Norteños in both county jails. He ordered beatings or worse on anyone on the gang's "bad news list." But he had one vulnerable spot: His wife was dying of lupus and he desperately wanted to be with her. So, in a misstep he knew might come back to haunt him, Mendoza soothed his wife by telling her he'd get out of jail by ratting out his gang. Those conversations were recorded by jail authorities and given to his co-defendants, who spread the deadly word that Mendoza was a snitch. The next time he came out of his cell for a shower, he said, inmates tipped over a cart carrying a portable phone, creating a loud crash to signal their fury. But despite pressure from law enforcement, he refused to "put on the brown shirt," the color of the jail jumpsuit worn by informers in protective custody. "My heart was still with NF," said Mendoza, who has "Nuestra Familia" tattooed on the back of his bald skull. Stripped of his rank, he could not win back the gang's trust. Sounding more like a displaced middle manager than a violent three-striker, he told the jury: "I understand how it works. We're all expendable." When Mendoza became a rat, he said it was only because he felt hunted, cornered and alone. "They put the youngest Norteño in there to spear (kill) me," he said. Even if Mendoza is ever released, he'll never be safe, said Bill Valentine, a former Nevada prison official and author of "The Gang Intelligence Manual." "In the NF, the only way you get out is you get killed," he said. "They'll track him to the ends of the earth." |
Thursday, January 27, 2011
January 21, 2011
Re: Newton v. Schwarzenegger, No C 09-5887
Dear Plaintiffs and Consenters:
This purpose of this letter is to inform you of the District Court’s decision in the Newton v. Schwarzenegger, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) case.
On January 13, 2011, Judge Vaughn R. Walker heard the parties’ arguments in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, San Francisco. On January 14, 2011, the Court issued its decision. Order_and_Judgment_Dated_January_14_2011.pdf
On the positive side, we were successful in overcoming the Defendants’ 11th Amendment immunity arguments and the Court reached the merits of the case, i.e. whether Defendants’ failed to comply with the FLSA by not paying Plaintiff’s and Contester’s for all the non overtime hours they worked in pay periods in which they worked overtime.
Unfortunately, in deciding the case, the Court followed the California Supreme Court’s recent decision in Professional Engineers in California Government v. Schwarzenegger, which holds that “the furlough program is a reduction in Plaintiffs’ wages for all hours worked.” The court then determined that there was no FLSA violation as “Plaintiffs are compensated for all time worked, and because that compensation exceeds federal minimum standards, Plaintiffs’ claim for violation of FLSA fails.” The Court then granted Defendants motion for summary judgment.
Your legal team is currently reviewing the Court’s decision and applicable law to determine what options are available.
January 21, 2011
Re: Newton v. Schwarzenegger, No C 09-5887
Dear Plaintiffs and Consenters:
This purpose of this letter is to inform you of the District Court’s decision in the Newton v. Schwarzenegger, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) case.
On January 13, 2011, Judge Vaughn R. Walker heard the parties’ arguments in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, San Francisco. On January 14, 2011, the Court issued its decision. Order_and_Judgment_Dated_January_14_2011.pdf
On the positive side, we were successful in overcoming the Defendants’ 11th Amendment immunity arguments and the Court reached the merits of the case, i.e. whether Defendants’ failed to comply with the FLSA by not paying Plaintiff’s and Contester’s for all the non overtime hours they worked in pay periods in which they worked overtime.
Unfortunately, in deciding the case, the Court followed the California Supreme Court’s recent decision in Professional Engineers in California Government v. Schwarzenegger, which holds that “the furlough program is a reduction in Plaintiffs’ wages for all hours worked.” The court then determined that there was no FLSA violation as “Plaintiffs are compensated for all time worked, and because that compensation exceeds federal minimum standards, Plaintiffs’ claim for violation of FLSA fails.” The Court then granted Defendants motion for summary judgment.
Your legal team is currently reviewing the Court’s decision and applicable law to determine what options are available.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Drug-smuggling rampant at Corcoran State Prison
A recent drug-smuggling arrest at California State Prison, Corcoran marks the fourth time this month that someone has tried to sneak narcotics into the facilities, authorities said.
The latest arrest came on Friday as a result of an ongoing investigation by the prison's investigative services unit. The unit served a search warrant on April Elaine Frank, a Citrus Heights resident, when she arrived that afternoon to visit an inmate.
Frank apparently admitted her actions to investigators once confronted and turned over the contraband, which included 61 grams of marijuana, 29.3 grams of heroin and 87.6 grams of tobacco.
Prison spokeswoman Teresa Cisneros said the inmate has been placed in administrative segregation pending further investigation. Prison officials will continue to monitor inmate phone calls to learn of impending drug or other illegal activity.
The inmate, who was not identified, could be charged in the future with conspiracy to distribute narcotics inside the facility.
Frank, 21, was booked into the Kings County Jail on suspicion of conspiring to commit a crime, furnishing marijuana and other drug-related charges. She remains at the Kings County Jail with her bail set at $370,000.
Frank's arrest was not the first at the prison or its adjacent Substance Abuse Treatment Facility this month. Cisneros said these arrests are an "unfortunately common" issue for state prisons.
Prison officials throughout California have pointed to a rise in contraband smuggling in recent years, with cell phones quickly becoming the top illicit commodity.
Known as "drug mules," smugglers are commonly recruited friends, family members and other loved ones of inmates. They are convinced to break the law for the inmate's benefit and suffer severe penalties if caught for bringing narcotics into a state institution.
Authorities say inmates frequently target young and elderly women.
The first arrest this month was on Jan. 1, when a Lemoore woman allegedly tried to sneak heroin into the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility.
Rachell Nicole Lowery was arrested in connection with the case and later posted bail of $430,000.
Days later, a Visalia woman was taken into custody as she tried to slip into the institution with an undetermined quantity of marijuana. Alicia Ruiz, 47, was briefly booked into the Kings County Jail and has since been released.
But perhaps the most notable case came on Jan. 4. Employees received an anonymous note saying an inmate might be assaulted in one part of the prison where contraband could also be found.
Investigators swept through the building and came across one employee - Rebecca Romero - acting in a suspicious manner, Cisneros said.
Romero, an office technician, apparently refused to allow correctional officers to search her work area. When they pushed the issue, she handed over two bindles of marijuana and cell phone she'd brought in - possibly to sell to an inmate.
Romero was booked on suspicion of supplying a controlled substance, possession of drugs within a jail, conspiring to commit a crime and other allegations.
She has since been released from custody and still maintains her status as an employee, though she is no longer allowed inside the prison's secure perimeter, Cisneros said.
"We haven't had an arrest like this in a few months," Cisneros said. "Unfortunately, we have to deal with these kinds of cases more than we'd like to."
The reporter can be reached at 583-2425.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Correctional Officers Attacked by Inmates at Pelican Bay State Prison
Crescent City – Two Pelican Bay State Prison (PBSP) inmates attacked three correctional officers today, Jan. 11. The officers, ages 37, 43 and 45, were treated at a local hospital for lacerations and puncture wounds and released.
“Our foremost concern is for the safety and well-being of our dedicated staff,” said PBSP Warden Gregory Lewis. “Our officers’ injuries are not life-threatening and we are glad they were discharged from the hospital today. Our thoughts and prayers are with them for a speedy recovery.”
The attack occurred about 9:25 a.m. when two inmates rushed the officers with prison-made weapons while being released into the exercise yard. Custody staff in the immediate area responded and stopped the attack with physical force and batons. Two weapons were recovered.
At least two inmates have been identified as suspects. One inmate, age 20, is serving a 50-year sentence from Los Angeles County for first-degree murder. He has been in prison since Oct. 26, 2009. The second suspect, age 36, is serving 60 years for carjacking and making terrorist threats. He also was convicted in Los Angeles County and has been in prison since Feb. 7, 1997.
The incident is being investigated by the Investigative Services Unit at PBSP and agents from the Office of the Inspector General’s Bureau of Independent Review. An investigator from the Del Norte County District Attorney’s Office is participating in the investigation.
PBSP remains locked down until further notice. The institution will issue notification if visiting for this weekend needs to be cancelled.
Pelican Bay State Prison houses California’s most serious criminal offenders in a secure, safe, and disciplined institutional setting. The prison houses maximum-security inmates in a general population setting and has a Security Housing Unit (SHU) for inmates with serious management concerns, validated prison gang members and violent maximum-security inmates. The prison, which opened in 1989, provides academic education programs, houses 3,200 inmates and employs 1,500 people.
January 11, 2011
Contact: Terry Thornton
(916) 445-4950
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Susanville Police Department's Photos - Personnel
Photo 2 of 2 Back to Album · Susanville Police Department's Photos · Susanville Police Department's Profile
Jeffrey D. Atkinson
Chief of Police
Susanville Police Department
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Begining and the end
SACARAMENTO, CA (CBS) - A California inmate is doing 22 years for voluntary manslaughter, but is keeping in touch with family the most public way possible - Facebook.
Inmate Frederick Garner goes by Brotherbo Garner on the social networking site Facebook.
For weeks Garner has been posting messages and pictures possibly from inside his cell.
CBS called the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to tip them about this particular inmate. Terry Thornton said after the call they launched an investigation.
They've found printouts of Garner's postings inside prison, and believe someone mailed him what he wrote online.
"On the surface it looks pretty harmless," Thornton said. "But knowing that so many inmates are involved in gangs it's possible these could be coded messages."
Behind bars, cell phones are becoming the most sought after contraband. They are normally smuggled in by cereal boxes, shoes or even a deck of cards.
In 2010, the department has confiscated more than 9,000 cell phones using dogs to sniff them out.
"This is very serious and people's lives can be at stake, public safety is at stake," Thornton said.
Inmates have been known to use the phones to commit more crimes like drug trafficking or even murder. The inmates usually work to keep it very secret.
Blog Archive
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- January 21, 2011 Re: Newton v. Schwarzenegge...
- January 21, 2011 Re: Newton v. Schwarzenegge...
- Drug-smuggling rampant at Corcoran State Prison
- Correctional Officers Attacked by Inmates at Pelic...
- The Begining and the end
- SACARAMENTO, CA (CBS) - A California inmate is doi...