Below is an example of the information request I have sent to the LRA’s at each institution. You do not need to do anything with this, it is already in the mail to your institution. This is just an FYI to keep you in the loop. Any information I get, will be copied back to each of you.
Off the Table, CDCR promised that they would be “completely transparent” about the redirections. After four unanswered information requests to CDCR Labor Relation, “completely transparent” must mean “insubstantial,” “ghost-like,” “flimsy.”
You will notice that some of the information I am asking for is a couple weeks prior to the official implementation date of the Redirection Plan. I’m trying to get a picture of how many vacancies were being run before and after.
Email me if you have any questions.
Corey Davis
To Whom it May Concern:
Under the Ralph C. Dills Act, California Government Code Section §3512 et seq., California Correctional Peace Officers Association (hereafter CCPOA) has the right to all information which is necessary and relevant to the discharge of its duty to represent State Bargaining Unit 6. Not only does this right pertain to topics being negotiated between CCPOA and the State, but it also extends to information relating to possible grievances and other representational duties. Chula Vista City School District, PERB No. 834, 14 PERC 21162 (1990); Stockton Unified School District, PERB No. 143, 4 PERC 11189 (1980). Failure to respond to this information request may result in charges being filed against you with the Public Employment Relations Board.
Pursuant to the above referenced authorities, please provide me with the following:
1. The total number of hours run vacant at THE INSTITUTION in the work weeks ending March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, and April 4th of 2010,. This list includes Holiday, Vacation, and Training Relief positions (even if they are not identified in the Redirection Plan), and full or partial shifts run vacant to provide medical guarding and transportation coverage (even if they are not identified in the Redirection Plan).
2. The Posts (identified by number and title) at THE INSTITUTION that were vacant in the work weeks ending March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, and April 4th of 2010. This list includes Holiday, Vacation, and Training Relief positions (even if they are not identified in the Redirection Plan), and full or partial shifts run vacant to provide medical guarding and transportation coverage (even if they are not identified in the Redirection Plan).
3. All status/implementation/compliance documents relating to the Redirection Plan - including (but not limited to):
• the salary savings goal (by percentage and hours) for THE INSTITUTION for the work weeks ending March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, and April 4th of 2010,
• Redirection Plan policy/procedure memos,
• Redirection Plan tracking/compliance reports for the work weeks ending March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, and April 4th of 2010.
4. THE INSTITUTION’s Redirection Plan, including (but not limited to): What Posts are redirectable? What days are redirectable? What order they will be redirected? How and when program will be modified?
5. The most current key/legend/index used to identify the PPAS codes.
6. The most current key/legend/index used to identify the WOTS codes.
7. A current copy of all OP’s at THE INSTITUTION effected by the Redirection Plan.
8. A current copy of the index page of the Operational Procedures (OP) binder for THE INSTITUTION providing the titles and numbers for all OP’s. CCPOA needs this list to make sure that all of the OP’s that are effected by the Redirection Plan have been provided to CCPOA for review (see item #7 above).
9. A copy of all DOM Supplements at THE INSTITUTION effected by the Redirection Plan.
10. A list of the titles and section numbers of all DOM Supplements for THE INSTITUTION. CCPOA needs this list to make sure that all of the DOM Supplements that are effected by the Redirection Plan have been provided to CCPOA for review (see item #9 above).
11. Most current Emergency Response Plan for THE INSTITUTION.
12. The “Medical Transportation Redirection Matrix” or otherwise titled document used by THE INSTITUTION to determine which posts will be assigned to medical guarding and transportation coverage.
This information is time sensitive. Please respond to this information request by April 23, 2010, or sooner if possible. In the event that you refuse to provide the information, please set forth in writing the basis for such refusal. If there are any questions about this request, please call me at (916)761-7408 or email me at
Corey B. Davis
Field Representative
California Correctional
Peace Officers Association