Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What are we going to do

I forwarded today some bad news to all the cops on my mailing list today on what our government is attempting to do now. Possibly take 2 more furlough days. I also read that some firefighters will be laid off July 2nd. And we may receive IOU's next pay-period. But the good new is (sarcastically, is most of the legislators decided to take a 5% pay cut to show they are putting in their part). What a joke.

Now with all this in mind. I look around at our prison (and I know we are not the only ones out there), but look at how the state of California is wasting money WHILE we are being cut off at the knee caps. I see we are installing $10,000 air conditioning units in Arnold Unit for the clients with heat medication. Now can anyone tell me how many heat med inmates we have on the fire lines? But our Main Back Gate's concrete is rapidly crumbling in an alarming rate.

We are supposed to implement these medical jobs for the inmates by August 1st, but we will receive and have already received work furlough days. Where is the priority here? Not to mention we don't have the staffing for these jobs. So it will all be involuntary overtime/straight time.

The state needs to wake up and smell the coffee and so do we. How long are we going to sit by and allow this? I know we have all these court cases, but in the meantime, it means nothing right now, this moment. I know I'm stepping out of line on saying this (per CCPOA), but we need to be proactive right now. We need to band with the school teachers, fire fighters and all state workers involved in this major mess and do something. We just sit here and wait. We all should be down at the Capitol sitting on the lawn until THEY listen to all of us. In the media, you don't here about any of this. You just here the state worker losing money (since we are over paid as most may think). The public does not see what really is going on. The wasted money on medical, dental, construction, air conditioning, etc. The public needs to see how a convicted rapist, murder has better benefits then they do. How long are we going to allow this to go on?

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am getting tired of being treated like a P.O.S. state worker, while the inmates are being treated better. And the state is wasting so much money on stupid things, while we get cut.

My thoughts are, we need to do something now. Not just sit around like sitting ducks waiting for something to happen.

I know CCPOA is doing their part on the legal part, but I'm talking about doing our part and taking it a step further.

Just my frustration to vent out loud.
